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How is today Monday? It was Friday only a few hours ago�
You know its Monday when your left eye wont open and your right eye is twitching.
Just remember, every day is a gift from God. Well except for Monday.. Satan slips that one in. He�s a sneaky bastard.
If Monday was a movie, it would be very long and boring.
Why are you all so excited it�s Friday? Monday will be here in 5 minutes.
Monday Morning��Rolling out of bed is easy. Getting up off the floor is another story.
A rainy Friday is still better than a sunny Monday�
If everyday is a gift, I want to know where I can return Mondays.
Judging from all the misery and carnage on my newsfeed, I�m assuming it�s Monday.
The 7 days of my week�..Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Friday, Saturday and preMonday
Monday morning coffee is just as important as Friday night liquor�.almost.
I can see smoke on the horizon. God I hope it�s rest of Monday burning to the ground
I can already hear Monday morning whispering Go F***Yourself in my ear.
I�ve been keeping this a secret for almost a year now because I didn�t want to lose friends: I don�t work on Mondays.
Practicing my �Eye Rolling� cause you know� tomorrow�s Monday.
I like Tuesday simply because it is literally the furthest from next Monday I can possibly be.
My greatest fear on Monday is greeting someone and asking someone how their weekend went and they actually telling me every mundane details about it.
Monday inspirational Quotes & ImagesMONDAY Y U NO FUN FUN FUN LIKE FRIDAY?
Breaking News: Tuesdays suck just as much as Mondays.
I�m not saying she�s a slut, but she�s been banged more than a snooze button on Monday morning.
The only thing worse than Friday the 13th, is Monday the 13th
My greatest fear on Monday is greeting someone and asking someone how their weekend went and they actually telling me every mundane details about it.
�Today its Sunday� Forward this to 15 friends,.. within 7 days you�ll get another Sunday. it really works� One of my friends ignored it and he got Monday within 24 hours
Monday Morning Quotes to be Happy on MondayI can always tell how good my weekend was by how many pictures I have to untag on Monday.
I really need a day in-between Sunday & Monday
Things I Hate: slow internet connection and monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and half of friday.
I have a bad case of the Mondays only it�s everyday and it�s called existence.
Candy is natures way of making up for Mondays.
Freak out cause it�s Monday again.
Things I don�t like: 1) Probably you. 2) Cold coffee. 3) Small talk. 4) Mondays. 5) Having small talk with you on a Monday while my coffee is getting cold.
Monday is one of my favorite days of the week. My 7th favorite.
Motivational Monday Quotes with PicturesImagine having Mondays as a holiday and then it wold be the best thing. Will someone please assist me in making it a official holiday and solve all our Monday blues.
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life!
There�s no more difficult transition than Sunday to Monday.
Monday is the root of all evil.
If you meet people who make you happy during Mondays, then it won�t be as hard.
Train your mind to see the good in everything.� Happy Monday !
It�s Monday � Time to Conquer the world. Smile More and Kick it!
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