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Funny New Year's Resolution Tweets

Twitter is now No. 1 Social Networking site on which people want to hangout. now there funny guys who make people by his stupid tweets and saying and after that whole conversation about nothing. its very good though.Now come to the come to the main part Happy New Year. Twitter people which are also called tweeples make there resolution share to world but in a  funny manner.but we respect these hilarious guys

Now lets check this out these people hilarious tweets. You can use these tweets for Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Google + and other social sites as status. These all are very limited and of famous mentors.

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Funny New Year's Resolution Tweets

Funny New Year resolution Tweets

My new year's resolution is that donuts are good for me.
                                                                              � Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) January 2, 2014

My "don't make love to Victoria's Secret models" resolution is going great so far
                                                                              � Eli Braden (@EliBraden) January 2, 2014

First resolution of 2014 is to NEVER REGRET getting the NPR logo tattooed on my forehead last night
                                                                              � Bill Oakley (@thatbilloakley) January 1, 2014

My New Years resolution is to meet people less and tweet people more! #healthy
                                                                               � josh groban (@joshgroban) January 1, 2014

My New Year's resolution is to find out what's making Shia LaBeouf so angry
                                                                        � Tom Ward (@TomWardWrites) December 31, 2013

My new years resolution is to be meaner and hotter.
                                                                    � Jenna Marbles (@FunnyJokeBook) January 1, 2014

New Years Resolution: do a series of jazz-flute instructional tapes. Maybe I'll call it "Ron Burgundy: A Jazz Flute-orial."
                                                                    � Ron Burgundy (@RonBurgundy) January 2, 2014

Just did heroin for the first time ever - first New Years resolution down the tubes. Took all of two dang days, cripes!
                                                           � Mr. Bob Odenkirk (@mrbobodenkirk) January 2, 2014

My New Years resolution is to love myself like Kanye loves himself and believe in myself like Kanye believes in himself.
                                                           � Drunk Girl Problems (@Sassy_Drunk) January 2, 2014

My new years resolution was to start smoking. One day in and i already stopped. #quitter
                                                                    � David Spade (@DavidSpade) January 2, 2014

My New Years Resolution is to spend less time interacting with people & more time with my phone. Doing pretty well so far...
                                                           � RainnWilson (@rainnwilson) January 1, 2014

Remember if you made a New Years resolution you are a douche and you will fail.

                                                                            � Fox (@yaboyfoxy) January 1, 2014

New Years Resolution. This year I'm going to incorporate " I don't roll that way" into at least one conversation a week.
                                                                   � Colin Quinn (@iamcolinquinn) January 1, 2014

New years resolution is to stop crying at google commercials.
                                                                     � Jamie Kilstein (@jamiekilstein) January 1, 2014

Forgot to make resolutions? Just write out everything you did last night and at the beginning add the word "stop."
                                                                     � Pete Holmes (@peteholmes) January 1, 2014

                                                                   � Chelsea Peretti (@ChelseaVPeretti) January 1, 2014

I will not giggle while shitting into my own hand' - New Year'
                                                                        � Jim Norton (@JimNorton) January 1, 2014

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