Every time at night�
The one thing you shouldn�t be left alone with at night, is your own thoughts. They eat you alive until the next morning.
When you cannot sleep at night, have you ever thought maybe it�s God saying �We need to talk and you now have time�.
God works the night shift. Not you! Don�t spend another sleepless night trying to figure out your issues, trust that the Lord is working it out.
What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven�t happened yet.
Worrying will never change the outcome.
The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you�re not willing to stay where you are.
Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly.
Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow Learn as if you were to live FOREVER�
Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow�s fresh opportunity to make it better.
Early sleep and early wake up gives health and makes you grow.
Fear can keep us all night long, but FAITH makes one beautiful Pillow.
I like the night. Without the dark, we�d never see the stars.
You will be the last thing I think of before I fall to sleep and First thing to remember when I wake up.
The brightest stars in my life are not planetary objects; they are friends like you who shine through night and day. Good night.
Lord please watch over my family and friends and keep them safe.
How did it get so late so soon? It�s the night before its afternoon. December is here before it�s June. My goodness, how the time has flown. How did it get so late so soon?
It is better to lose everything you have to keep the balance of justice level than to live a life of petty privilege devoid of right of love freedom.
Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.
Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose.
Faith is the art of holding on to things in spite of your changing moods and circumstances.
Fear can keep us up all night long but faith makes one fine pillow.
Just look up, we are both under the same starry sky.
The memories of our friendship are like the radiance of the moon and the fun times we�ve had together are like the twinkle of the stars that light up my life�s skies. Good night.
Always KISS me Good Night.
I didn�t want to kiss you goodbye � that was the trouble � I wanted to kiss you good night, and there�s a lot of difference.
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight till it is Morrow.
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like you. Making my everyday seems so great. Thank you, my friend, lastly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.
Good friends don�t necessarily make life perfect, but they sure make all the imperfections easier to tolerate.
We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with sleep.
Tonight, I would walk a thousand miles just to be with you. Missing you, my love.
This good night isn�t meant to bring an end to this day. It�s intended to wish you awesomeness in what lies ahead.
The Sun Is upset now, but the moon dances in joy, although the sun is depressed to see you go, the moon gets to enjoy the whole night with you.
I was walking along, and this chair came flying past me, and another, and another, and I thought, man, is this gonna be a good night.�
Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but our friendship will forever radiantly glow. Good night.
I love the quiet hour of the night, For blissful dreams, may then arise , Revealing to my charmed sight � What may not bless my waking eyes.
And tonight I will sleep with you my HEART.
The one thing you shouldn�t be left alone with at night is your thoughts. They eat you alive until the next morning.
some nights are made for torture, or reflection, or the savouring of loneliness.
Stop thinking about all the things people said to hurt your feelings. Just hold on tightly to the memories of all the times someone made you smile.
Just like how the skyline looks at night, our friendship adds a sense of character and glamour to my everyday life.
You�ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.
Good night, sleep tight. I will be dreaming of you with all my might.
If someone wishes you goodnight every day, you�re happier than so many people.
And tonight, I�ll fall asleep with you in my heart.
Hope you enjoyed these awesome good night quotes. Please Don�t forget to share good night messages to your Friends and family member.
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